Víctor Pardo

Víctor is a very technical goalkeeper with a great growth projection. Great control of the ball with his feet.

Basic information

Very technical goalkeeper, 1.57 cm and 51 kilos. Plays with his right leg.


Víctor Pardo. Born in Cádiz in 2010.


He is a very technical goalkeeper with his eyes always on the game. Very talkative with his teammates and with leadership material.

Training and current team

Trained as a child at Chiclana Industrial CF. He is currently a player for Xerez Deportivo FC.

futbol base comunidad de madrid
Víctor Pardo

Technical goalkeeper, with the ability to become a great leader

Víctor is a very technical goalkeeper who loves to catch the ball as many times as possible. Good control of the ball with the feet. Game vision, knows how to play with and without the ball. Great teammate.

Víctor Pardo

Security, leader and fellowship

Víctor is a goalkeeper with a lot of confidence in his actions. His leadership in the team is higher every day. Fellowship is the word that defines him as a person on and off the pitch.

Víctor in numbers

Víctor is a special and educated boy. His shyness is transformed into the field where he directs and leads the team. He always plays with a cap, his talisman. Among all the goalkeepers he likes, his idol stands out… Conan Ledesma.


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