We can affirm that to become a professional it is necessary to work in various fields from the beginning. Both the tactical and technical skills of the footballer are important when it comes to achieving the goal, without neglecting the learning in the competition and the character that they shows. Locos X Futbol, from Xports Xpert helps you achieve it, being present throughout the process.
One of the most influential factors when it comes to becoming a professional is talent. This is why it must be worked as such in any of its facets, be it solidarity or individual talent. That, even being from birth, can be enhanced with the correct methods.
Both communication skills and emotional intelligence play a fundamental role for the player. Players who at the beginning were not so outstanding have seen how, thanks to their psychological abilities, they have achieved success. Emotional intelligence not only allows you to achieve goals, it also allows you to improve relationships with colleagues or rivals. This, like talent, can be trained and, with the correct methodology, enhance this facet.
Courage, like the above mentioned, must be trained in young footballers. This helps creativity, personality and determination in many areas of life but especially on the pitch.
Illusion also plays a fundamental role in the careers of young athletes since they must maintain it whatever the role they play in the team or the category of the team itself. Why dedicate so much time to soccer? Because you must be passionate about training every day, sharing a dressing room with your teammates, and especially competing.
Players are surrounded by a multitude of people from whom they must learn things, their teammates, coaches, physical trainers, doctors or even Club employees. Over the years one realizes how important these people have been in his career. It is important to listen to those with more experience, as they will make us better.
To become a professional you have to make a lot of efforts. It is not enough to be good, you have to be the best. You must be focused, be it on carrying out increasingly better training sessions, taking care of your nutrition and physique with the help of professionals in the sector, leading a healthy lifestyle, among others. Motivation is important, setting challenges each season outside of the collective objectives. It is important to set goals and strive to achieve them, from reaching ownership to any other challenge that requires intense effort.
The personal balance is reflected in the field. A player who wants to perform at the highest level has to be good with himself, with confidence, good with his family, at home, with his friends and with everything that surrounds him. If you have a problem, you should seek to fix it, prioritizing the most important ones. When a player flows on the field, it shows. Those who see you play notice it. The best feeling a footballer can experience is «liking you», you feel spectacular on the field, you know things are going to work out for you, you enjoy every touch of the ball, and you do it without thinking, letting yourself be carried away by the shots, enjoyment and action. And it is the goal that every player must achieve in order to perform at their best, to live in that state for 90 minutes of play, so that you will not get tired, you will not overload yourself, and you will feel like a true soccer player.