David «Gordillo» Carrión

Player who stands out for his technical quality, showing a great coordination capacity that allows him to function successfully in multiple and difficult situations on the field.

Basic information

A very versatile athlete, 1.68 cm and 60 kilos. Right handed.


David «Gordillo» Carrión. Born in Alameda, Málaga in 2006.


He is a midfielder, both defensive and offensive, with many resources. He can also play right back and winger.

Training and current team

Trained in UD. Alameda and Antequera C.F. He is currently a youth player for Puerto Malagueño Ciudad Jardín.

futbol base comunidad de madrid
David «Gordillo» Carrión

with a great vision for the gate

Very hard-working player with his team, quite strategic using his greatest ability, which is the vision of the game. He really likes the ball to pass through his feet to create precise game chances.

David «Gordillo» Carrión

Strategist, creates precise chances

Very versatile midfielder in his game. Fantastic companion on and off the pitch. Gordillo is a very strategic player with great vision of the game.

Gordillo in numbers

His great idol is Luka Modric. Before each game, Gordillo shares this phrase with the dressing room…“el esfuerzo es resultado”


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Una respuesta

  1. Sergio Caro dice:

    Pienso que es mejor técnicamente de lo que marca la estadística

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