Code of ethics Xports Xperts
Hello! – 你好 – Bonjour! – नमस्ते – ¡Hola! – Olá – 今日は
Locos X Futbol is much more than a project. It is developed with the same motives that always drive great projects and athletes: going further, discovering new places, crossing borders, connecting with new visions of the world, taking other paths. In addition, we intend to offer the maximum legal and ethical guarantees, also through this revised code on October 31, 2022. We are #XportsXperts by Locos X Futbol «representatives of soccer players»
Our code of ethics is the set of principles of conduct of the organization, regulating decision-making and behavior, including relations between employers and employees (Locos X Futbol & Xports Xperts), discrimination, environmental problems, bribery and the use of privileged information and social responsibility in the «representation of footballers», providing our team with guidelines to make ethical decisions in carrying out their work, in competition and the relationship with other people, collaborating companies and organizations.
Locos X Futbol expects exemplary conduct from the people and entities directly linked and that respond and adapt, in addition to current legislation, to the highest ethical principles and social responsibility. Xports Xperts represents young soccer players. We have an ethical code that constitutes an express declaration of the values, principles and guidelines of conduct that must guide the behavior of all the people linked to Xports Xperts in the progress of your professional activity.
This code contains a compilation of the guiding principles and the rules governing the conduct of Locos X Futbol and of the people that make it up within the framework of their business activity and the relationships that, because of that activity, they maintain among themselves or with third parties, all with the aim that their actions not only conform to current legislation, but that it meets exacting standards of professionalism, integrity and a sense of responsibility.
This document endorses the collective application of the commitments of Locos X Futbol effective compliance with current legislation, human and labor rights and the integration of the entire group of people, with their complexity and diversity, in the corporate culture. This Code, which aims to share with all stakeholders the corporate values that are part of the business culture, which aims to develop the models and guidelines for professional, ethical and responsible behavior that should guide all the people that make up our team in the exercise of their activity, prevent the commission of criminal behavior and any illegal behavior by the persons bound by this Code in the performance of their professional activity Xports Xperts and finally establish the necessary monitoring and control mechanisms to guarantee compliance and is applicable at all levels of the company, including administrative bodies, management positions, control bodies and all personnel regardless of their geographical location or functional dependency. External services and/or providers should also apply the measures established in this Code of Ethics in their relations with Locos X Futbol so that the operations they carry out abide by strict compliance with the content, Xports Xperts guarantee «representatives of soccer players»
Locos X Futbol has assumed as its own the main standards and reputable models of business behavior. The integration of these principles of ethical and responsible action responds to a policy of improvement and the will to reinforce in this way a responsible management model that contributes to the common good, especially the sector of «soccer representatives»
With the objective of designing, carrying out and managing our services in an efficient and sustainable manner to satisfy the needs and expectations of the client, we act in pursuit of improvement and the achievement of goals, with the aim of making our company a benchmark in profitability and competitiveness. We want to be recognized for honest and upright behavior, deserving of the trust of our collaborators, clients and suppliers. We work with exemplarity and vocation of service to our clients. We favor diversity, promote professional development and recognize merit and creativity as a stimulus for productivity and progress. We are aware of the value that our services bring to society and we are committed to the protection of the natural environment, the development and well-being of the communities in which we operate. We are experts in representing soccer players with a national character
Locos X Futbol, especially working with young athletes, must strictly comply with the laws and contracts and the obligations derived from them, as well as good commercial uses and practices. Locos X Futbol and all those who make up the human team, must assume the commitment to carry out their activities in accordance with the legislation in force, and internal regulations, without exceptions. Ethical behavior will always be observed, avoiding any conduct that may go against the applicable regulations, damage the reputation of the company and the image and internal operation, or its public image.
Locos X Futbol «representatives of soccer players» is committed to respecting and safeguarding Human Rights and expresses its commitment to act resolutely in favor of the defense of the human rights contained in the «International Bill of Human Rights», and to ensure that it is responsible , by action or by omission, in any way, of violation of those rights. It is important to highlight that our company is committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights, which include the rights established in the International Bill of Human Rights and the principles related to rights established in the International Labor Declaration (ILO) on the Principles and Fundamental Rights at Work and the eight agreements that develop them, as well as the documents or texts that can replace, complement or improve those previously mentioned.
Locos X Futbol, specialists in representing young soccer players and especially for this reason, has social responsibility and expresses its commitment to the progress and well-being of the communities with which they are related, including employees, clients, suppliers, suppliers, partners and other interest groups. It will not be tolerated to make donations to entities or organizations whose activities may incite violence or illegal behavior, encourage dangerous practices, suggest circumstances of discrimination, violate the dignity of the person or, in general, violate the prevailing criteria of good taste and of social decorum, as well as against good customs.
Our company is committed to caring for and respecting the environment in the daily exercise of its activities. For this reason, the necessary measures will be adopted to conduct its activities in such a way that negative environmental impacts are minimized and a high level of safety is achieved in its processes, facilities and services, paying special attention to the protection of its employees, suppliers, customers and environment.
The environmental legislation that is applicable to the business activities that it develops must be strictly complied with. Likewise, those responsible for relations with contractors or external collaborating companies will convey to them the need to align with these principles and will require them to comply with the environmental procedures and requirements that apply in each case.
All non-public information owned or guarded by Locos X Futbol is considered reserved and confidential. Therefore, all employees, managers, administrators and/or professionals must be obliged to keep the strictest confidentiality regarding the information they access as a result of the performance of their professional activity, without its content being provided to third parties, except express authorization of the person responsible for our team.
Locos X Futbol complies with current legislation on data protection and has established procedures and measures to protect confidentiality and guarantee the correct use of information related to identified or identifiable natural persons (name, surname, age, health data, image , sound, economic data, etc.). Locos X Futbol must always respect the legislation on data protection when dealing with personal data of customers, suppliers, partners or employees and respect the legitimate rights of the owners of such data.
Among the intangible assets of Locos X Futbol, the brand, image and corporate reputation occupy a prominent place. Being aware of this, all employees, managers, administrators and/or professionals who work for Locos X Futbol must avoid any conduct that may cause damage to the image of Locos X Futbol and, consequently, refrain from using its name, brand or Distinctive signs for purposes other than those authorized by Locos X Futbol allow that, as a consequence of an action carried out in a personal capacity or without the proper authorizations, the reputation is harmed or diminished. Regarding Intellectual and Industrial property, we affirm that Locos X Futbol in the exercise of its activity must establish measures to prevent them from violating the intellectual or industrial property of third parties, as well as to protect the intellectual or industrial property of the organization itself. The employees of Locos X Futbol must respect intellectual and industrial property rights and assume that the materials they handle are copyrighted unless otherwise explicitly stated.
Locos X Futbol must commit to applying a principle of non-discrimination in hiring employees, in their training, in professional development opportunities, in salary levels and in other aspects related to the employment relationship. Locos X Futbol employees must be treated fairly and with respect by their superiors, subordinates and colleagues, promoting a comfortable, healthy and safe work environment. Locos X Futbol must promote equal treatment between men and women in terms of access to employment, training and working conditions. All employees must enjoy equal opportunities for the development of their professional career. Professional development, remuneration and compensation: Locos X Futbol must promote the personal and professional development of its employees, encouraging their involvement in improving their own skills and competencies. The performance evaluation, remuneration and compensation of employees is a very important element in order to promote positive behaviors and a good tool to introduce risk management and compliance with control objectives in the daily activity of all employees. The provider of Locos X Futbol must offer its employees fair and adequate compensation.
Locos X Futbol undertake to always use objective criteria in the selection of the personnel they hire, making the selection in a transparent manner and exclusively attending to the following criteria: That the selected candidate has the academic, personal and professional merits that are needed for the position for which they are try. That there is equal treatment for all candidates and youth athletes.
The existence of a balance between the professional and personal responsibilities of the employees of «soccer representatives» of Locos X Futbol entails benefits, both for the employee and for the company itself, so Locos X Futbol must respect personal and family life of your employees.
We believe that teleworking favors greater performance, improves the quality of life of workers, who do not have to waste time traveling to the office, and helps a little to have a better family reconciliation. In this way, Locos X Futbol must make available to its employees the necessary resources for the performance of their professional and business activity, taking care of health and safety at work.
Locos X Futbol must implement a safety and health program at work, in compliance with current legislation, and adopt all necessary preventive measures. Strict compliance with established health and safety and occupational risk prevention regulations will be observed. As a general rule we practice teleworking.
Locos X Futbol It must promote the continuous training of its employees. Training programs should promote equal opportunities and the development of professional careers. We are representatives of soccer players and we must be properly prepared. Locos X Futbol must respect the right to privacy of its employees, especially with regard to their personal data.
The employees of Locos X Futbol they must act with integrity with clients, having as objectives the achievement of the highest levels of quality, efficiency, transparency, excellence in service provision and the development of long-term relationships with clients based on trust and mutual respect.
Customers must be explained, clearly and transparently, the characteristics and risks of the products and services we offer. Contracts with customers should be written in a simple and clear way. In pre-contractual, contractual and post-contractual relationships with clients, transparency will be promoted and the different alternatives available to them will be informed.
Locos X Futbol must make the necessary channels available to customers so that they can present their claims in the event that they are dissatisfied with the services provided. Claims submitted by customers must be addressed, analyzing the causes that motivated them and making a fair decision on their resolution.
The contents of marketing and advertising campaigns must comply with the maximum legality in force and must be especially ethical and respectful of society. Marketing and advertising campaigns must be legal, truthful and honest and must respect the rights of consumers and also of competitors. Locos X Futbol must assume the obligation to be honest with customers, always providing them with complete, truthful, clear, useful and precise information about products or services and relationships with suppliers and collaborating companies.
Locos X Futbol intends that suppliers and external collaborators maintain principles and action policies essentially similar to those established in the Code, and will refuse to interact, even occasionally, with those whose conduct is incompatible with those principles.
Locos X Futbol must provide suppliers and providers with truthful information and not made with the intention of misleading. Locos X Futbol must require suppliers to operate, scrupulously complying with current regulations, respecting compliance with internationally recognized human rights and complying with ethical standards. «representatives of soccer players»
Locos X Futbol undertakes to compete fairly, promoting free competition for the benefit of athletes and users and always complying with current legislation.
The relations between Locos X Futbol and public authorities and administrations will always be considered under the principles of maximum transparency, integrity and cooperation. Locos X Futbol must act with honesty and integrity in all contacts and relationships with authorities and employees of governments and public administrations, ensuring that all information and documents presented by employees, managers, administrators and/or professionals and the statements they make are complete. , truthful and clear.
Locos X Futbol it must establish a collaborative relationship with its partners based on trust, transparency in information and the sharing of knowledge, experiences and capacities, in order to achieve common objectives and mutual benefit. Locos X Futbol must provide partners with truthful information and that it is not made with the intention of misleading. Locos X Futbol must require partners to operate in strict compliance with current regulations, respecting compliance with internationally recognized human rights and complying with ethical standards.
The exchange of gifts and invitations between customers and suppliers is sometimes a legitimate way to build trust in commercial and business relationships. However, excessive or inappropriate gifts or entertainment may serve to exert improper influence and may or may appear to constitute bribery. Offering or receiving gifts or invitations in the exercise of professional activity will not be tolerated. Exceptionally, gifts or invitations may be offered and/or accepted to/from customers/suppliers, when the following three conditions are met simultaneously: That they are permitted by current legislation and that they cannot be interpreted as an incentive to act by altering the impartiality and professional objectivity. That they are delivered or received by virtue of a commercial practice or social use of courtesy generally accepted, without having been requested. That have a symbolic or economically irrelevant value not exceeding 150 euros. Conflicts of interest: In the daily activities of Locos X Futbol there are situations in which conflicts may arise between the interests of Locos X Futbol and those of the people with whom they are related, whether they are customers, suppliers, partners, shareholders, competitors, employees, or citizens, in general. Therefore, it is necessary to establish mechanisms and guidelines for action that prevent and avoid such conflicts of interest. Situations that could give rise to a conflict between the personal interests of employees, managers, administrators and/or professionals and those of Locos X Futbol must be avoided or the people with whom it is related. Locos X Futbol must act with the highest standards of integrity and honesty. Bribery and corruption have a clear negative impact wherever they occur and therefore all team members must apply high ethical and moral standards in all business activities. Locos X Futbol will not tolerate corruption, bribery, unorthodox payment offered, kickbacks and any form of extortion.
The trust placed in Xports Xperts by Locos X Futbol by the different interest groups, is based on the transparent, truthful and complete information that Locos X Futbol provides «soccer representatives» in all areas of its activity. All «Xports Xperts» employees, managers, administrators and/or professionals must ensure that the information they provide, both internally and externally, is accurate, clear and truthful, and in no case will they knowingly provide incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate or that could mislead the recipient. Employees, managers, administrators and/or professionals who enter any type of information into the computer systems of Locos X Futbol. They must ensure that it is rigorous and reliable.
Locos X Futbol expresses its firm commitment to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and, in particular, its desire not to be the object of illicit use for any type of illegal activities through clients, suppliers, commercial partners, third parties or through of their own employees.
Criminal Risk Prevention Body: The principles and criteria for action contained in this Code of Ethics and Conduct are mandatory for all persons subject to its scope of action. To guarantee its application, as well as the supervision and control of compliance with the Code of Ethics in Viajacontuhijo, a Criminal Risk Prevention Body has been set up. The members of the Organ for the Prevention of Criminal Risks will be selected from among the directors and managers. Through the ethics channel or complaints channel, any person may present their doubts, suggestions or complaints in relation to non-compliance with the Code of Ethics. Likewise, any person may submit the appropriate communication/complaint in the event of any regulatory breach. For their admission and proper processing, communications/complaints must necessarily contain the following data: Identification of the person making the query or complaint. By exception, the complaint may be made anonymously. Detailed description of the circumstances of the conduct or situation. Queries and complaints may be made through any of the following communication channels: E-mail: mail addressed to: Locos X Futbol, to the attention of the secretary of the Risk Prevention Body C/Colonia Varela 17 28250 Torrelodones Madrid. We have planned a Criminal Risk Prevention Body, which will know and resolve the complaints and queries received through the Complaint Channel, giving them the treatment it deems most appropriate in each case, it will act in each intervention with total independence and full respect for people affected and will guarantee, at all times, confidentiality in the treatment of the complaints and queries that it processes. Locos X Futbol guarantees that under no circumstances will retaliation be taken or tolerated against those who have reported a breach of the Code of Ethics or have participated in any investigation procedure related to its compliance.
All #XportsXperts employees, managers, administrators and/or professionals must accept and endorse this Code. will enable the procedures that guarantee the knowledge and acceptance of this Code of Ethics. With the acceptance of this Code, the Recipients will be automatically bound to subsequent adaptations or updates of this document, provided that said updates were motivated by regulatory changes, unless expressly stated otherwise. Said updates will be duly communicated to the Recipients. Review and Update: The Criminal Risk Prevention Body will periodically review this Code, taking into consideration the annual reports and the suggestions of its Recipients, and will propose to the Criminal Risk Prevention Body to submit, where appropriate, to the Administration Body the changes and adaptations that it deems appropriate. It will correspond to the Administrative Body of Locos X Futbol approve the proposed changes to the Code.
Locos X Futbol undertakes to inform the Recipients of any updates to the Code of Conduct. In addition, Locos X Futbol will provide its Employees with the corresponding training courses in order to guarantee that they are aware of the regulations contained in this Code. Xports Xperts!
We have appointed a person in charge of Compliance with the Protocol in order to supervise the operation and compliance with this prevention model. Any matter related to illegal activities such as those indicated in the Code of Conduct may be brought to the attention of the Compliance Officer through conventional means or through the email created for this purpose:
Become a Professional Player, by Xports Xperts
The ability to become a professional athlete requires hard work, discipline, and dedication. You will need to gain extensive knowledge and will need hard training, although other aspects are involved as well.