«Adrián» Romero

Adrián as a center-back stands out and he can play perfectly with both legs. Great vision of the game in the team getting his teammates to stand out to receive without hardly looking at him. Born in 2010.

Basic information

A fast and very skilled athlete with the ball, 1.41 cm and 40 kilos. Ambidextrous.


Adrian Romero Guzman. Born in Palma del Río (Córdoba) in 2010.


He is a central organizer, who controls the ball perfectly with both legs. Very good vision of the game and great camaraderie.

Training and current team

Formed from its beginnings at Atlético Palma del Río CF.

futbol base comunidad de madrid
Adrián Romero

center back, organizing  leader,  and a  great partner of a winning team

Adrián is a technical player, very skilled, plays as a center back and dominates the soccer ball with both legs. A great teammate.

Adrián Romero

Team vision, play and make your team play

Organizational powerhouse with great vision of the game, capable of playing with both legs and moving the team with just his eyes.

Adrián in numbers

«Adrián» is a great center-back! «I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it» -Thomas Jefferson


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